Career options in the field of Radio Jockeying

Sparsh Shikhar
2 min readDec 20, 2020


A radio jockey isn’t just one job; instead, it has got various branches. Following are the various career paths available in the field of radio jockeying for you to choose as per your skill, knowledge, and style.

Radio Announcer: This is the most basic position in the radio station. An Announcer is a person who reads advertisements and is responsible for introducing content on the radio. This job profile is the initial post before one is promoted.

Music Director: This post gives an idea of how the music library is maintained on a radio station and how music is played when demanded on show. This professional is responsible for the music we hear on the radio.

News Reader: Radio news has a set format and hence one needs to learn the way to speak on the radio before jumping into the mainstream jockeying world.

On-AIR Personalities: These are the radio jockeys we hear regularly and their major work is to keep listeners entertained along with scheduling ads and managing studio arrangements. They often create various elements in their shows that tend to become a part of the pop-cultural world.

Production Director: This is the position one may attain after being a senior On-Air personality. This is the person who controls the On-Air traffic and schedules production and strategizes programs.

Station Manager: This is one of the senior positions on the radio station. This is the person responsible for managing the station issues and programs.

FM/AM Radio Jockeys: The role of FM/AM radio jockeys is to interact with the audience, play music or talk, or both. They usually work on public radio stations.

Talk Radio Jockeys: The role of talk radio jockeys is to only talk for the entire time of the show, and to discuss different social and political issues. They also interact with the audience and viewers of the show.

Sports Talk Radio Jockeys: The Sports Talk Radio Jockey is required to interact with viewers to discuss different types of sports news and happenings. The Sports Talk Radio Jockeys have to be a former athlete, a television anchor, or sportswriter.

